Sam's Pizza is donating a percent of ALL sales to Relay for Life during these days.
Our Goal is to raise $1,000
In Memory of two very special people:
Joanne Beichler:
Joanne was the mother of Sue Sayre, co-founder of Sam’s Pizza. Joanne worked for Dr Kirk in Smithville for many years but still found time to work at Sam’s Pizza; almost from the beginning, and worked right up to when breast cancer took her life in February 2002. She was a very dedicated to her family and work as was shown in the care she showed in making pizzas for Sam’s. She is dearly missed by her husband, 5 children, 14 grand children, and 12 great grand children.
Roy Lee Montgomery:
Roy was the grandfather of Amber Holmes Sayre, wife of Brian Sayre. Known as “Pappy” to his grandchildren and 10 great children. He was married to his “forever love” Emily for 63 years. He was the father to five children who thought of him as their hero. Roy was a quiet man, devoted to his family. A man of integrity who had the respect of all who knew him. He was also a WWII Navy Veteran, who served proudly.
In August of 2010, an aggressive cancer took Roy’s life, after a 17 month fight. His family misses him more than words can express, but cherishes the memories and example of integrity he set for so many.
88 N. Portage Street--Doylestown
March 7 thru March 10th